Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Karma and I had a fight, and karma won.

So long since I have blogged. It's sad really. I have had a serious run of bad luck. I remember one of my very first posts I did, It talked about how when it rains in my world, it pours. And it is still so true. They (whoever "they" are) say that bad things come in threes. When one awful thing happens, it's not bad enough. You must have two more to remind how bad it can really get. I hate "they". But instead of focusing on the bad and the sad, I'm going to do my best to think about the upside of this garbage dump of a mess I have been given. With every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, right? I believe that, with everything that happens. For every bad thing, there is an equal and opposite good thing. Loose your job, find a better one. Break your car, learn why family is so important. It's like the law of attraction. When you need something, put it out to the universe and watch how it finds it's way back to you. I'm not 100% on the upside of my bad situation yet, but I am on my way. I can see the light at the end of a very discouraging tunnel. It's happen before. I have been on both sides of that crazy tunnel. and I dare say that 99% of the time, the good is so worth the bad. Better situations present them selves, and somehow it works out. And it seems like a good lesson is always learned somewhere along the way as well. Simple lessons, like don't buy gas at Maverick. Treat others the way you want to be treated. And never forget how great it is to have a close family to help you when you need it. Simple. And all so true.


the Lola Letters said...

So true! I loved this post. I feel the same way, one thing goes wrong and then everything goes to pot! Then, what do you know, a month or two later, when I have clearer perspective, I see that it was all meant to be and a greater, better plan was unfolding for me, I just couldn't see it yet.

It was SO dang fun to see you for a bit at the baby shower! I just love you to death. I'm so glad you have a blog so we can keep in better touch!