Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's getting to be that time of year.
You know- where the days start to get loooong....
The air starts to get warm,
the sun doesn't want to sleep,
And being inside doesn't sound like much fun.
Text Color So instead of blogging I have playing.
Sorry about that. But I just cant help myself.
I'm one of those people,
who will take the good time
over the routine every time!

So I've been doing random things, like shooting guns.
And lovin' on these little cheeks!
Instead of blogging.

Fun things,
like spending great time with the fam...

And putting together adorable
bicycles, to enjoy in the sunshine.

So please forgive me for my extended absence.
I have just been a little preoccupied.

Basking in the sunshine and forcing
Mayzie to play the role of ToTo.Having a few girls nights.

But mostly spending every minute with this cute dude.....

Can you really blame a girl??


Sarah Blackhurst said...

Right now, at this very moment, I must say "you truly have the life"!

Natalie said...

Hey Carlie! I heard you had a really cute boyfriend, and it looks like it is true. Glad you are having lots of fun!

amdizzl said...

That bike is cute! Let's go ride them together and get geloto! Love guts.

Anonymous said...

really cool pics, great!