Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Worldly Place...

We spent the evening in Park City last night.
The Film Festival is happening.
Yeah- the ones where all the famous peeps come and pretend they don't mind the cold.
Main Street = shut down!
Traffic = ridiculous.
So we went to World Market!

That place makes me so happy!

Tell me where else you can find the valentine pasta, right next to the 300 dollar giraffes?And the wall full of fabulous fizzies?

It really is a happy place!

Who needs celebs when you have this place?


Sarah Blackhurst said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the new blog header Carlie! And love the world market too! Thanks for the calls last night, even though I didn't get to see you girls, just talking to you makes me happy!

the Lola Letters said...

Holy cow, your new header is divine! Hottie. I hate you. (no I don't) I love World Market. Love. it. Fun pics!

Laura said...

total agreement.