Thursday, August 28, 2008

8 Things....

Ok- So Sarah tagged me. Lets see how this turns out.....

8 Things I am passionate about...
-Wentworth Miller from Prison Break
-Honey balsamic chicken
-MAC #7 lashes
-Bubble baths
-Rocky Votolato
-Down comforters
-Perfectly roasted marshmallows
-Really long drives
8 Words or Phrases I say often...
- I know right?
-Yo Yo Yiggidy Yo (Juno anyone?)
-Mountain Land Design, this is Carlie....
-Oh my gosh good!
-Mayzie- come here.
-Hi friend!
-Doesn't Cafe Rio sound great?
-Oh man, Norman just slimmed me. Sick!
8 Things I want to do before I die...
-Finish getting skydive certified and jump solo
-Get married on a fabulous beach somewhere
-Live is Greece
-Have some adorable kid-o's
-Learn to speak another language, something hot like Italian....?
-Go scuba diving
-Learn how to eat right
-Learn to play an instrument
8 Things I pray for...
-Chase to win the lato
-To find a fantastic guy
-Gas prices to go down
-My mama
-Help in making the right choices
-My loved ones to be kept safe from harm
-My family
8 Things I have learned...
-People are willing to spend insane amounts of money on their kitchen
-I can make a pretty sweet birthday hat
-Little kids will do anything for a capri sun and a cookie
-Sometimes things not working out, works out for the better
-I really love craisins
-Happiness can be found in the smallest details
-There is never a reason to treat someone badly
-A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 ft tall child inside
8 people to tag...
-Emily Finch
-Aunt Mel
-Jenn Jones
-Nikki Hanson/Davis
-My Aunt Kristen
-Abby Anderson (So she will update her blog:))

Thanks Sarah! This was fun!


Lori said...

Oh, Carlie I hate being tagged, but I guess I will be a good sport. Watch for the train wreck.

Kelie said...

so fun to learn more about you! I am so laughing at that slobbery picture of norman's mouth...too funny!

The Muirs said...

Hey Carlie,
It was fun to read your answers. I already did this post...go back and check my posts in May. Hope things are going well for you.


Laura said...

Hi Carlie
Your comment on my know, about sounding "creepy", had me cracking up!!!! Thanks for are adorable (hmmm....and now I sound creepy)

Laura said...

Hi Carlie
Your comment on my know, about sounding "creepy", had me cracking up!!!! Thanks for are adorable (hmmm....and now I sound creepy)

Sarah Blackhurst said...

Car, Thanks for playing along! I love to read the great things people have to say! Anyway I am a ditz when I am prego, I just completely spaced you on Sunday so... How about next Thursday night? Ask Kristi and your mom and let me know! Love YA!